WACI Monday Highlights 11-14-22 | Senior Planet from AARP
We had a lengthy discussion about problems with WiFi and Android phones. Dave has a problem with his phone not connecting when he comes home. I have a similar problem in my office and second floor where Judy and I have a very weak WiFi signal.
One suggestion was to install a WiFi Anlayzer app to assess. I installed the one by olgor. Sure enough – no WiFi on the second floor but it was OK in the dining room and kitchen. We are in a split level with our router in the basement. I try to keep data off while in the house since we are on a limited plan.
We discussed WiFi boosters. Dave has an expensive Linksys WiFi Mesh System in his house which doesn’t help with the Android phone problem when he comes in. My phone chimes when I come home and connect to WiFi to alert me of new messages.
It was reported that Tmobile provides boosters. Must return or there is a charge.
We talked about lower cell phone charges from resellers such as Ting and UltraMobile. We also discussed unlocked phones.
https://fast.com/ is a way to test current your internet download speed as is https://www.speedtest.net/ (by Ookla). I tested on both and the results were about the same for download speed. Speedtest also tests upload speed.
We reviewed how to use Snip & Sketch for Brenda in Windows 10. Hold down < Windows Icon > key and the < Shift > key, then tap the < S > key to reveal the menu options for screen capture. Then can save the screen capture to a file or paste into a document.
Zoom has once been updated again since our last meeting. The current version is 5.12.8 as of 11/10/22. Most of the enhancements centered around using the Whiteboard. Judy demo’d the Whiteboard feature in Zoom.
Download the latest version at https://zoom.us/download
I did not check for updates to Chrome.
I reviewed the steps to making labels on LibreOffice for Alberta and Tori. It’s somewhat long but the end result is great. Will add to the share drive for next week.
Our share folder of previous PDFs and videos is found on Google Drive at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BIL-Tm2ul4CR0YErTI-ApPbBG8A51pRO?usp=sharing
On the agenda for next week:
E.G. requested reviewing Duck Duck Go for Linda. She might have tried to download the browser instead of adding DuckDuckGo as an extension (or application) on the Chrome browser.
Interested in joining us on our next Waci Monday at Senior Planet from AARP? Details on our Calendar page.