We’ve Come To A Fork In The Road
We’ve come to a fork in the road Judy and I have traveled since 1990 when we launched A-BnC Parties and More., Inc. (under a different name) at our kitchen table.
As you can probably tell, we literally abandoned this blog page for over five years while we have enjoyed retirement. We still accepted whatever referral business that crossed our paths. Some of that due to the resilience of the SEO work we did prior.
Additionally, up until COVID-19, and for a few months following, I was really quite busy myself consulting at DIYWebJEM.com on Internet marketing following the success of this website and my retirement from corporate life in 2010.
A little fill in background information is needed now. During that time I had a crazy idea in November 2017 about starting a discussion group for seniors. I won’t bore you with that story here. You can learn more about our group on our SAGESofBG website on WordPress.com.
The consulting business slowed down for me in May of 2020. A few weeks later I made a list of options so I could ‘stay busy’ instead of being bored. Some of those ideas worked, while some did not.
Then in December I approached Judy with another idea about doing a Zoom presentation for isolated seniors. The theme was based on the year 1968, which has significance for both of us. Its name is ‘1968: The Year That Was’. After all, that was the year Mary Hopkin introduced the song which added new words to the music from an old Russian folk song.
Once more for brevity’s sake, I refer you to another page on this site – SAGESofBG for more details about the presentation.
This brings us to the fork. This new project is exciting. It is needed in the senior community and it is appreciated and has been accepted. we gave our third presentation just this morning.
We feel we are ready for “Prime Time” after the three performances. That means we hope to present it (at no fee) at libraries, senior centers, retirement homes, churches and synagogue groups, etc.
We also started a Senior-Chat podcast and a Kahoot trivia challenge based on the year 1972. More details at the SAGESofBG page as well.
For now and the foreseeable future, in addition to sheltering in place, both Judy and I will concentrate on this new project.
We will continue to reach out to seniors. For we all need to feel wanted and appreciated. Seniors need additional avenues of socialization in these challenging times.
Where this fork will lead us yo, frankly at present I do not know.
We invite you to join us as we travel down this new path. Comment here, offer your suggestions or ideas, write a guest blog on senior life, join the parade, whatever.
And with that, I’ll click on the publish button, share this news and try to keep you informed as we proceed.